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You're An Idiot

Feb 27, 2023

This week the boys sit down with America’s favorite Ithaca native, Jordan Jensen.
Jordan shares the worst things older male comics have said to her over the years and the boys for once stop being an Intel podcast. She also shares her proclivity for dating broken Libertarians.
Geoffrey yet again derails...

Feb 20, 2023

This past weekend Alex went to the ER so this episode is mostly about his wild trip to the Bushwick ER on Super Bowl Sunday. Unfortunately Alex survived and is perfectly healthy, but the medical bills are piling up. More than ever need you to join the Patreon!

Besides Alex's narrow escape from the clutches of death...

Feb 13, 2023

This week the boys talk to Buffalo legend Luke Touma. Alex goes Larry King mode and grills Luke about starting comedy in Boston at 19 and Geoffrey tries to make the conversation about him.

We also discuss the plethora of hot and unfunny comics in comedy (if you think its you, it is!!) - just kidding we just wish we were...

Feb 6, 2023

This week the boys got existential and discuss how they would react to each other dying. Spoiler alert - neither of them handle the situation with empathy. Also the boys make their Super Bowl picks, so make sure to bet the entire second mortgage on what they have to say.

As always they remain the only funny podcast. Why...